Sunday, 28 July 2013

Your faith is all it takes

This week is our last in Fiji.

When I think back to the beginning, I remember seeing a group of people from 10 different countries coming together, not knowing everyone we were to spend the next 6 weeks with and all asking the same question- ‘What does God want to do in my life.’

The team I look at now, five weeks later is very different. We have grown in so many ways. Grown in God, grown as a group and grown in ourselves. Some have been given their next step, some the end vision and others are still waiting. But even if we can’t see the next thing God is leading us to; we can stand confident in the fact that He has it under control and all we have to do is keep our focus on Him.

‘…Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came towards Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!’ Matthew 14:29-30

When Peter took his focus off Jesus, he wasn’t doing too well. Distractions come in our lives, and have come while we have been in Fiji, and it is a constant battle I personally find myself in; do I let the distractions take over, or do I keep my eyes firmly fixed on Him? I would love to say I keep my focus.

Today is Sunday, so of course we went to church. The group was split for the service and altogether we visited five different churches. Some familiar and some not so familiar. Dave had the privilege to preach at one church, and from what he and the people who were there to support him say it went well.

In this last week we have a speaker from Australia who has come to share some theological topics with us. I had the privilege to speak and get to know him a little today. I am a person of many questions, and I was so thankful that he was willing to sit and answer some of them. It is always so encouraging to have people who are willing to take time out of their day.

This evening we were able to meet Jing’s parents and hear a little about what they do and what is happening in China. Listening to what they had to say made me so thankful to be living in a country where being a Christian is oppressed but still have free will to their faith. Not persecuted to the point that people want to take their life because it’s an easier way to go than the hurt and humility they face. It made me feel more strongly about the gospel being taken, to not just China, but also every country in the world. People need to know the good news about God, but there has to be someone to tell the world. God has called everyone to do his work, the question is; are we willing to obey him, and go wherever he sends us? Or are we happy to sit back and worry about our own salvation?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing. That was what I needed to hear today especially considering we often just cruise along living day to day - I definitely need faith to get out of the boat and trust Jesus and stop being sidetracked. Will pray for the whole team - it will be quite an emotional week for you all xo Karen and Rob Royters
    1 Corinthians 1:18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved, it is the power of God.
