Praise God for Sundays! This morning we all went together to
an international church. People from all different nations gathered together in
one place to glorify Him…nothing better!
Before the preaching, Cristian and Jing had an opportunity
to give a short testimony. This was such an encouragement to everyone! The
pastor then spoke on discernment and the importance of fasting. After the service
finished we talked with the local church members and ate some Roti together.
After church we all went to get lunch and then came back to
the center for quiet time with the Lord. We are all trying to seek God and
prepare for the week ahead of us. We are putting on a clinic starting tomorrow
so we know that first we must rest in Him and get our hearts in the right
place. We did this tonight by team worship and adoration prayer. We also
listened to a lesson about taking responsibility for our actions by Andy
So today was a day of
worship, preparation, and rest.
For me, this internship
has clarified my purpose in life: know God and make Him known. Up until now I
only really cared about the first part of that. The Lord is showing me how
important it is to make Him known to others. I know God. I know the creator of
the universe. I have someone who will never
leave me or not want me. Share that! On this trip is the first time that I
have ever shared the whole gospel with someone and it gave me so much joy. I
felt fulfilled. In 1 Peter 2: 18-19 it says:
“For you know that it was not with perishable things such as
silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to
you from your ancestors, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without
blemish or defect.”
Before God, I had such an empty way of life. Once God opened
my heart to know Him, my way of life changed. God redeemed me from that empty
life. By Jesus’s death he saved us from emptiness so we could have life to the
full. He knew the value of an abundant life! He filled me with joy, purpose,
and peace instead. We all have such a great purpose in God. Come to Him and
find out for yourself!
Alex Geesey with Adina Baciu as co-pilot
U.S.A and Romania
Me, Adina, and Hannah while waiting for our ride back home
Cristian sharing his testimony
Langdon introducing our team
Thanks Alex for sharing. I love that church and missed being there this Sunday. The worship leader has a a God given gift to lead the congregation. Praying that the Clinic is all going well and that God is touching many lives.