Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Hooray for Tuesday!

What an awesome day to get back into routine!! We spent the morning in quiet time, Called and Accountable, prayer triplets, and with a devotion from Psalm 40. During the day, we continued on with XEE study, chatting through how we can develop good relationships through connecting well with people.  I was really challenged by how we can really love people well by asking good, helpful questions, but genuinely caring about them and where they are at, and of course, by a willingness to share the good news with them (I say 'of course', but why does it seem so difficult, when truly loving is sharing the hope we have in Christ!!).  We worked through John 10 and had a helpful discussion about what 'life to the full' is and how relationship with God through Jesus is the only thing that brings fulfilment in life.  I really really love and enjoy the time we spent in Scripture over the last two days.  It's such a blessing to sit around our table looking at the passage together and being challenged by the truth in Scripture.

In the afternoon, we hit the town for some OJT.  We went out in twos and threes to go and connect with people in Nadi Town.  Now, imagine how you would feel...perhaps nervous and unsure about what is ahead - will you meet anyone? will you know what to say? will they respond positively? ...now imagine if you've spent time learning how to connect with people, how to ask good questions, to move the conversation into a chance to share the gospel...now imagine that you've spent time praying and praying that God will open up opportunities for you to love people, and that he might save people in Nadi Town.  Now imagine how you would feel?  

This is how we felt on the drive to town:


My OJT team had a chance to connect with an Indian man we met a few weeks ago.  His face just lit up when he saw us approach his shop.  He introduced us to his two daughters and invited us back to talk some more with him another time!  We met an elderly couple outside the supermarket who invited us to visit their shop and meet with them again and talk some more.  We also met two Christian ladies who blessed us and encouraged us and gave us generous gifts.  It was great to connect with them!

And here's how we felt afterwards!

I love the conversations over dinner as we share in the way God was working in our time on OJT.  As always, I'm amazed by how intimately involved our good God is and how we get to witness Him at work in the lives of Fijian people and ourselves.  Keep praying that we might take full confidence in the work of the Holy Spirit as He draws men and women and children to Himself, and how he speaks to us through Scripture!

Sneaky Adventures:
- When Amberly came from America to join our team and help us out!
- When we got to move loads of rubbish to the tip...my biceps were wrecked!
- A sneaky Beiber dance to wake us up in the middle of the afternoon!

So happy to be here,
Love Joy


  1. Ima and I viewed these videos together. Praise God for you courageous young people. Love & prayers Ima & Nerylee

  2. Wow. Thanks Joy. I have just read Psalm 40 from The Message - this is powerful stuff. Thanks for encouraging me and this passage has not only encouraged me but challenged me ...
    v9 I've preached you to the whole congregation, I've kept back Nothing, GOD - you know that. (Have I really kept back Nothing - please forgive me Lord)
    v11 Now GOD, don't hold out on me, don't hold back your passion. Your love and truth are all that keeps me together. AMEN!
    v15-17 But all who are hunting for you - oh let them sing and be happy. Let those who know what you're all about tell the world you're great and not quitting. And me? I'm a mess. I'm nothing and have nothing: make something of me. You can do it; you've got what it takes - but God, don't put it off. (Mind-blowing words!!!)

    How awesome and powerful is this Scripture. May our hearts be thirsty for His Word enscribed upon our hearts for the journey ahead.

    Bless you guys today. Loved the videos too!

    x Karen Royters
